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Demystifying Common Beliefs about Physical Therapy
Physical therapy benefits individuals of all ages and activity levels, aiding recovery from surgeries, accidents, chronic conditions, and supporting general fitness, strength training, and injury prevention.
Physical Therapy for Enhancing Independence in Older Adults
Physical therapy isn’t just for athletes or those recovering from injuries.
Neurological Rehabilitation At-Home Strategies for Achieving Success
Recovery is a marathon, not a sprint.
Foot Conditions That Can Improve with Physical Therapy
Physical therapy has been proven to help foot conditions.
What Causes Sciatica Pain?
Sciatica pain is a common condition affecting millions of people worldwide.
Can Physical Therapy Help With Sciatica Pain?
While severe and alarming, there are ways to alleviate sciatica pain and underlying conditions.
Benefits of Physical Therapy After Shoulder Surgery
While shoulder surgery may successfully achieve these goals, it's essential to understand that physical therapy is fundamental to ensure a full recovery.
Common Causes of Ankle Pain
Ankle pain is a common complaint and can range from mild to severe.
Discover the Benefits of Physical Therapy for Seniors
Physical therapy can play a pivotal role in improving the lives of seniors and helping them retain their independence.
How to Handle a Work-Related Injury
Some work-related injuries seem minor enough not to require consultation and treatment. But that’s not the correct approach to benefit from workers’ comp and the healthcare plan provided by employers.
A Simple Guide to Neurological Rehabilitation
Neurological rehabilitation helps patients reduce the effects of debilitating symptoms and increase bodily function, thus improving their overall quality of life.
The Benefits of At-Home Physical Therapy in Phoenix
Getting to and from a facility could pose a problem for those requiring physical therapy.
The Role of Physical Therapy After a Knee Replacement
Working with a physical therapist specializing in knee replacement therapy is essential to regain full mobility.
Can Physical Therapy Help With Carpal Tunnel?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects the nerves in the hands and arms.
Discover How Physical Therapy Can Alleviate Neck Pain
Anyone who's ever experienced neck pain knows how debilitating it can be.
Benefits of Physical Therapy for Tension Headaches
Physical therapy is a highly effective treatment option that offers quick relief to people dealing with annoying, painful, recurring, and lasting tension headaches.
How Physical Therapy Can Help Chronic Pain
Scientific studies estimate that at least 20% of U.S. citizens experience chronic pain. Physical therapy's primary goal is to help patients with pain management, allowing them to live as normally as possible.
Physical Therapy Solutions for Bursitis of the Elbow
Depending on the severity of the injury, elbow bursitis can heal from two to eight weeks with the help of physical therapy. Physical therapy offers multi-tiered assistance to alleviate elbow bursitis symptoms and consequences.
Improving Balance Through Physical Therapy
Proper balance is essential for comfortable everyday living and the overall well-being of an individual. Physical therapy benefits people of all ages suffering from balance disorders. It helps the patient recuperate faster and resume strength to perform routine activities.
Can a Physical Therapist Treat Neck Pain?
Certified physical therapists are movement experts who use exercises and other methods to alleviate neck pain and improve range of motion. They design an individualized treatment program depending on the type and cause of pain, the physical abilities of the person, and personal goals. Therefore, the suggested methods, exercises, and treatment duration may differ from person to person.