Discover How Physical Therapy Can Alleviate Neck Pain

Neck pain can be quite debilitating.

Anyone who's ever experienced neck pain knows how debilitating it can be. While it may sometimes disappear without treatment, physical therapy remains one of the most effective tools to combat neck pain. Please keep reading to learn more.

Who does it affect?

Neck pain usually affects those between the ages of 30 and 50. Some experts suspect women are more susceptible to neck pain than men, but more research is required to identify the exact reasons.

The most common risk factors include obesity, poor posture, repetitive lifting, smoking, and athletic activity.

Neck pain prevents people from completing everyday tasks like driving, playing sports, and working.

Although inconvenient, neck pain typically doesn't require invasive treatment. Most people respond well to their physical therapy sessions and quickly show signs of improvement.

How does neck pain feel?

In addition to stiffness, those struggling with this issue usually describe the pain as sharp, throbbing, dull, aching, or stabbing.

The symptoms

People with neck pain often experience muscle spasms and cannot rotate or bend their necks. Additionally, they have trouble looking over their shoulder and looking up.

Other symptoms include headaches, tight muscles, improper sleep, and pain when sneezing, sitting, or coughing.

Diagnosing neck pain

Those experiencing neck pain should take immediate action and contact a reputable physical therapist. They'll assess the situation and ask a series of questions to identify the root of the problem.

Physical therapists also ask patients to do several tests to find physical problems. These include joint stiffness, difficulty walking, muscle tightness, and more.

How physical therapy alleviates neck pain

Physical therapy could be a far better option for many patients than opioid medication or surgery.

Working with an experienced therapist helps patients accelerate their recovery. The therapist creates a custom treatment plan that addresses the patient's needs and includes at-home exercise recommendations.

A patient's recovery speed depends on the severity of their condition. For best results, experts recommend sticking to an individualized treatment program.

Physical therapy offers the following benefits:

Reduces pain

The therapist will determine which activity caused the injury and suggest more beneficial substitutes. If necessary, they may use manual therapy or electrical stimulation to alleviate the pain.

It helps patients avoid surgery

In most cases, physical therapy proves sufficient for patients to recover fully. It's also an effective treatment for radiculopathy.

Radiculopathy, or a pinched nerve, arises from damaged nerve roots at the top of the spine. In extreme cases, a physical therapist may recommend minor surgery to treat radiculopathy.

Improves posture

Poor posture often leads to neck pain. Physical therapy helps patients manage pain while improving their posture to prevent future issues.

Improves flexibility and strength

Physical therapy is an excellent way to target weak, tight, or damaged muscles and build strength and flexibility.

Physical therapy for pain-free living

Those whose pain hasn't subsided after a few days should contact a professional and schedule an appointment.

Liberated Rehabilitation is a mobile physical therapy service in the Phoenix metro area specializing in fully personalized in-home physical therapy. We provide tailored physical therapy in the home or work setting for faster, better recovery. Call (602)755-2276 to schedule an appointment.


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