The Benefits of Mobile Physical Therapy for Ankle Injuries

Ankle injuries can happen to anyone, from those who play sports to those that aren’t particularly active. One awkward movement is enough to lead to an ankle injury. People that have recently injured their ankle may be interested in learning how mobile physical therapy can help. Please keep reading to learn more:

Reduces pain faster

One of the most common symptoms of ankle injuries is severe pain. This pain is typically a consequence of overstretching or tearing the ankle tendons. Mobile physical therapy can reduce or eliminate the pain and help patients get back on their feet in no time. Carefully designed exercises seek to relieve the pain and prevent flare-ups.

Restores normal function

Besides pain, many people with an ankle injury experience loss of function. Having difficulty walking or not being able to stand up at all can severely affect one’s quality of life, and such issues need to be addressed as soon as possible.

Mobile physical therapy helps patients restore normal function much quicker. Instead of traveling to a rehab center or clinic and putting more strain on the ankle, patients can work on their recovery from the comfort of their homes.

Allows a faster return to sports

More often than not, people who injure their ankles do so while playing sports. Such people are eager to get back in the game as fast as possible. Mobile physical therapy enables patients to focus solely on recovery without unnecessary trips to the doctor or the rehab center.

This means they can return to their normal activities faster and without consequences. Plus, physical therapists can help active patients learn movements, exercises, and stretches that can help prevent ankle injuries in the future.

Increases comfort

Those with ankle injuries are usually in no condition to drive, ride a bicycle, or walk. Getting to a rehab center without someone’s help can seem impossible, especially if it’s a severe injury. With mobile physical therapy, the therapists pay home visits to the patient. This enables patients to concentrate only on the exercises. Plus, completing these exercises in a safe and comfortable environment such as one’s home can do wonders for the patient’s psychological state and faster recovery.

Maintains privacy

Being surrounded by dozens of people in rehab centers can distract patients from their exercises or cause anxiety, which does not help recovery. Mobile physical therapy enables patients to do their exercises without worrying about others. One-on-one sessions with physical therapists are much more comfortable and convenient.

Make the first step toward recovery

Ankle injuries can be tricky and are one of the most common recurrent injuries. Mobile physical therapy can help overcome such injuries and relieve pain from the comfort of one’s own home.

Be very careful when hiring a mobile therapist. It is best to search for professionals with years of experience and positive reviews for the best results.

Liberated Rehabilitation is a mobile physical therapy service in the Phoenix metro area specializing in fully personalized in-home physical therapy. We provide tailored physical therapy in the home or work setting for faster, better recovery. Call (602)755-2276 to schedule an appointment.


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