Discover How Physical Therapy Offers Relief From Hip Pain

Hip pain leads to restricted mobility, discomfort, and frustration when unaddressed. It can have a lasting impact on a person’s quality of life, preventing them from completing daily tasks. However, physical therapy is an excellent option that offers lasting relief and allows most people to make a full recovery.

Keep reading to learn about the importance of physical therapy in alleviating hip pain.

What causes hip pain?

Pain may occur due to overexertion, but persistent discomfort usually points to an underlying issue.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease causing the immune system to malfunction. Instead of combating infections and diseases, the immune system attacks the body’s healthy cells. It may negatively impact the hips, and the joints become stiff and painful.


The bursa is a sac located beside larger joints that stops the tissues from rubbing together. Infections and sudden movement might damage the bursa, resulting in inflammation. The hips become tender, and some people also notice swelling and experience sharp pain when moving.

Hip sprain

Torn or overstretched ligaments are another common cause of hip pain. Typically seen in athletes, a hip sprain is often unbearable since the tenderness intensifies each time someone moves. Without treatment, sprains lead to muscle weakening and loss of flexibility. A hip sprain may even impair a person’s walking ability in severe cases.

When an unaddressed medical condition overwhelms the hip joint or strains the muscles and ligaments, rest and over-the-counter pain medication alleviate the symptoms temporarily. But physical therapists have the knowledge and tools to diagnose the condition and create a personalized treatment plan to eliminate hip pain and restore full mobility.

The benefits of physical therapy for hip pain

Strengthens the connective tissues

The connective tissues surrounding the joints act as cushions that shield them from injury and allow us to move without difficulty. Physical therapy strengthens these tissues, enhancing hip mobility and flexibility.

Reduces the risk of new injuries

An essential aspect of physical therapy is injury prevention. Therapists teach patients how to modify their lifestyle and adopt positive habits that put less stress on the hips and keep them in good condition. Moreover, they’ll recommend physical activities that bolster hip strength and minimize the chance of re-injury.

It’s a non-invasive treatment method

Rather than relying solely on medication, physical therapy improves the body’s ability to repair itself. Stretching and exercising with an experienced therapist help heal the damaged tissue, quickening the recovery process. The treatments are usually so effective that most patients don’t have to undergo hip surgery.

Contact an expert physical therapist

Anyone experiencing persistent hip pain should contact a reputable physical therapist to schedule an appointment. They’ll assess the situation, diagnose the issue, and build a treatment plan that meets the patient’s specific medical needs ’and eliminates hip pain. Most patients fully recover and lead pain-free lives with the right treatment plan and some determination.

Liberated Rehabilitation is a mobile physical therapy service in the Phoenix metro area specializing in fully personalized in-home physical therapy. We provide tailored physical therapy in the home or work setting for faster, better recovery. Call (602)755-2276 to schedule an appointment.


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