Common Causes of Chronic Neck Pain

Whiplash injuries sustained in car accidents or contact sports are a common reason for neck pain.

Chronic neck pain can affect an individual’s quality of life and day-to-day activities if not treated on time. Neck pain is chronic if it lasts for 12 weeks or more. Long-term, persistent pain can signify an injury or an underlying medical condition. A large chunk of the population in the United States is likely to experience chronic neck pain at some point, and its potential to worsen increases with age. Severe neck pain for an extended duration can even result in disability. 

Persistent shooting pain, stiffness, numbness or tingling, headache, muscle spasms, and reduced range of motion are common symptoms of neck pain. Chronic neck pain can have many potential causes, and understanding them can help treat it more effectively. This post discusses the most common causes of neck pain:

Whiplash injury

Whiplash injuries sustained in car accidents or contact sports are a common reason for neck pain. They arise when the neck and head are jerked back and forth suddenly and with a lot of force. Neck injuries can cause damage to the ligaments, muscles, nerve roots, and vertebral joints. 

Muscle strain

Another cause of chronic pain is the overuse of neck muscles due to repetitive or strenuous activities. Some common factors that can cause strain or tension in neck muscles include:

  • Sleeping in the wrong position

  • Poor posture

  • Heavier body weight

  • Sitting and working on a laptop or computer for prolonged periods every day

  • Repetitive neck motions while dancing, exercising, or swimming


Age-related wear and tear can degenerate or deteriorate the cervical spine’s bones or joints, leading to chronic neck pain. Spinal stenosis (a narrowing of the spinal column), breakdown or inflammation of the neck discs, and osteoarthritis (wearing down of the cartilage in the cervical facet joint can result in severe and prolonged neck pain. Disc protrusion due to trauma or injury can put pressure on the nerve roots, known as herniated discs, and cause neck pain or inflammation.

Mental stress

Conditions like stress and anxiety are also known to cause neck pain. When a person is stressed, the neck muscles tighten, leading to stiffness and pain. 

Tumors or infection

Tumors and cysts can create pressure on the neck’s nerves and cause pain. Infection in part of the cervical spine can result in inflammation, which can cause neck pain. 

Various health conditions

Health conditions like cancer, fibromyalgia, meningitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis are linked to chronic neck pain. 

It is best to consult a medical professional for chronic neck pain treatment. Physical therapy is considered among the best treatments for chronic neck pain. A physical therapist will create a personalized treatment plan after carefully evaluating the pain level and range of motion. A professional can suggest targeted exercises, manual therapy, ultrasound, electric stimulation, ice and heat therapy, and mechanical traction improve flexibility and range of motion, strengthen muscles and tendons, and relieve neck pain. A physical therapist can also provide ergonomics education and other valuable tips to prevent pain recurrence. 

Expert physical therapy

Contact an experienced and qualified physical therapist if you suffer from chronic neck pain and need an effective and lasting solution.

Liberated Rehabilitation is a mobile physical therapy service in the Phoenix metro area specializing in fully personalized in-home physical therapy. We provide tailored physical therapy in the home or work setting for faster, better recovery. Call (602)755-2276 to schedule an appointment.


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