Navigating Chronic Pain Management through Physical Therapy

Chronic pain can last more than 12 weeks, longer than pain from a recent surgery.

Chronic pain is as distracting as it is unwelcome. The degree to which it affects the quality of life is considerable, not just from the discomfort but the more subtle consequences. Fortunately, physical therapy is a viable way to manage chronic pain.

Here's a look at how physical therapy can help with chronic pain:

What is chronic pain?

Chronic pain can last more than 12 weeks, longer than pain from a recent surgery. Even though it may recede from time to time, the pain is often persistent and recurring. Many conditions can cause it, like arthritis, back problems, and serious injuries.

Physical therapy in pain management

Physical therapy alone doesn't remove chronic pain but helps improve mobility, strength, and flexibility. These aspects of the treatment reduce pain levels. Physical therapy includes exercises, manual therapy, and pain management education.

Techniques in physical therapy

Let's look at some physical therapy techniques that relieve chronic pain and boost flexibility, circulation, posture, well-being, and more.

Stretching and strengthening exercises force muscles to work and get stronger, which makes it easier to maintain a healthy posture and endure physical strain. All of which will reduce the pain.

Manual therapy, like massage and joint mobilization, dulls the pain temporarily and makes it easier to move.

Heat, cold, and electrical stimulation also relieve pain and make it easier to endure movement when it would otherwise feel too strenuous following an injury.

Developing a plan

Physical therapy treatment needs to be carefully planned for maximum effectiveness. But no plan will suit everyone equally. The therapists create the plan by evaluating a patient's degree of injury or pain severity, medical history, comorbidities, personal desires, and lifestyle. This way, they create a personal treatment plan that fits the individual naturally.

Physical therapy and chronic pain

For many, the best solution is to use physical therapy to manage chronic pain. But why go for physical theory over other forms of treatment? One of the most compelling reasons is that it reduces the reliance on pain medication, especially opioids. It also prevents or reduces the need for invasive medical procedures, like surgery in some cases. And finally, it improves the overall physical function and quality of life regardless of other complementary medical treatments.

Remember, for the effects of physical therapy to be truly effective, the treatment must be a collaboration between the therapist and the patient. The patient mustn't be a passive recipient but develop a degree of self-management and self-discipline.

Keep pain at bay

Chronic pain affects the overall well-being and even mental health of any patient. Working with a professional when dealing with chronic pain might drastically improve your quality of life and happiness.

Liberated Rehabilitation is a mobile physical therapy service in the Phoenix metro area specializing in fully personalized in-home physical therapy. We provide tailored physical therapy in the home or work setting for faster, better recovery. Call (602)755-2276 to schedule an appointment.


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