Colder Weather's Effect on the Body

The bacteria and viruses that cause these illnesses are more active and stable in cold weather.

The human body can adapt to cold weather. However, in extreme conditions, some negative health effects can arise. As cold days approach, it's important to recognize the dangers and take protective measures.

Here are some of the effects of cold weather on the body:

The immune system becomes weak

During the cold days, flu and the common cold affect many. Most people think this is due solely to a drop in the temperature, but this is far from the truth.

The bacteria and viruses that cause these illnesses are more active and stable in cold weather. As such, they can survive longer suspended in the air.

Unfortunately, when it's cold, the body's defense or immune system becomes weak. That's because the blood vessels shrink, and the blood doesn't flow freely. Hence, only a few white blood cells will circulate in the body. Yet, they're responsible for fighting against viruses and bacteria.

If a person is exposed to a virus, the body won't be able to fight against it. As a result, the germs will multiply and cause respiratory infections. Worse still, during cold days, families tend to spend most of their time indoors, increasing the chances of spreading the infections.

However, one should eat healthy meals and drink lots of water to boost the immune system. Also, keep warm and wash your hands with soap or sterilize regularly.

Increased stress on the heart

As mentioned, cold weather causes the blood vessels to shrink to prevent the blood from flowing near the skin as it can lose heat excessively. This will result in the blood pressure rising and the heart straining to pump blood to keep the body warm.

Therefore, people with heart illnesses are more at risk during the cold season. Regular exercise and warm dressing are recommended preventative measures.

Skin problems

When it gets cold, air struggles to hold moisture. This can irritate the skin, making it dry, itchy, and painful. Skin conditions such as eczema may worsen during the colder time of the year. Using an oil-based moisturizer can help keep the skin hydrated and healthy.

A far more serious issue is frostbite. If the body is exposed to extreme temperatures for a prolonged period, it loses too much heat, and blood flow to these areas reduces. Consequently, the skin loses its natural color, and the tissue shrinks. In such cases, immediate medical attention is crucial.

Stay safe in cold weather

Besides causing physical discomfort, cold weather also risks serious health problems. As such, people should take protective measures against the elements. If the effects worsen, talk to a professional for guidance on staying safe.

Liberated Rehabilitation is a mobile physical therapy service in the Phoenix metro area specializing in fully personalized in-home physical therapy. We provide tailored physical therapy in the home or work setting for faster, better recovery. Call (602)755-2276 to schedule an appointment.


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